Getting The Most From Your Defense Lawyer

Lozano Law can definitely help you if you have a criminal complaint filed against you. But qualified lawyers can only do so much. It’s important that you know your part in the process and how you can help your lawyer to better defend you. You work with your lawyer to achieve a favorable outcome. Without your cooperation, it can be extremely difficult to get the court to see things your way. Your lawyer shouldn’t have to deal with an unwanted surprises. What this means is that you should be very truthful with your criminal defense attorney St Louis.

Once you retain a lawyer, there is a thing called attorney/client privilege. This means that your lawyer can’t reveal any information that you tell your lawyer in confidence. So even if you did do something wrong, it’s a must that you tell your lawyer. It’s hard for a lawyer to build a solid case to present to the court if they don’t have all the information regarding the circumstances of the case. Also, there is the possibility that the prosecution could find out about any of the information you are choosing to conceal from your attorney. The information could then be presented to the court without your lawyer having a chance to develop a counter to it.


Dealing with criminal law often involves negotiations. Negotiations can allow you to agree to a reduced sentence and/or fine if certain conditions are met. For example, a person can successfully complete an anger management course so that jail time is avoided. Community service can be used instead of jail time. A skilled criminal defense attorney St Louis knows how to negotiate deals with the prosecution that can help you to avoid jail time and/or stiff fines. If you show up to court without qualified legal representation, you are taking a huge gamble that probably won’t pay off.

Although your lawyer works for you, it’s best that you listen to your lawyer. Your lawyer will have your best interests in mind. He or she will let you know if you should risk a trial in court or not. Listening to your lawyer could be the difference between going home and going to prison. It could be the difference between a $50 fine or having to pay a $1,000 fine. Hiring quality legal representation will also let the court know you are taking the charges filed against you seriously. It can also help you to get the complaint resolved in a timely manner.